Faith Formation

Registration 2025-2026

Rose Strohmaier, Parish Catechetical Leader

(908) 303-9692

Faith Formation Office is located in the School Building

Current Calendar


 4:15-5:30PM–Communion I through Year 4

6:30-8:00PM–Year 5 through Confirmation II

6:30-8:00PM–Sacrament Preparation and Religion Readiness

Saturdays, 5:00PM-6:30 according to the schedule below–Confirmation II 



Sunday            19—Year 6 Hosts 10AM Mass & Communion II Class Mass—Both arrive no later than 9:50AM

Wednesday       22—Faith Formation—Parents – Father and Mrs. Rose will see you in the auditorium to share the plan for parents sessions

Sunday            26—Year 3 Hosts 10AM Mass–arrive no later than 9:50AM

Wednesday       29—Faith Formation with Adoration during session time Altar Server Form Due



Sunday            2—Confirmation IB Host 10:00 AM Mass AND Religion Readiness Class Mass—Both arrive no later than 9:50AM

                                                                 6:00-8:00 PM  Retreat—Part 2—Confirmation II Including Sponsors–Meet in the auditorium

Wednesday       5—Faith Formation Saint Report Due  Empowering God’s Children Class with Mrs. Rose

Sunday            9—Year 3 Hosts 10AM Mass–arrive no later than 9:50AM

Wednesday     12—Faith Formation Sponsor Form Due

                                6:30—Retreat for Teen Communicants from 6:30-7:30 PM in the Auditorium with Parents

Sunday          16—Year 5A Hosts Mass & Communion I—Class Mass—-arrive no later than 9:50AM

Wednesday     19— Faith Formation— Father will see you in the Church for a teaching on the faith

Saturday       22—1st Reconciliation Penance Service—10:00AM in the Church

Sunday          23— Year 6 & Class Mass Communion Youth–arrive no later than 9:50AM

Wednesday     26—Faith FormationService Project Due


Sunday              2—Year 4 Hosts & Communion I Class Mass–arrive no later than 9:50AM

Wednesday        5— Ash Wednesday – No Faith Formation

Sunday            9— Year 5B Hosts & Class Mass Communion Prep Youth–arrive no later than 9:50AM

Wednesday     12—Faith Formation—Empowering God’s Children—Part II Both Sessions

Saturday      15—Confirmandi I and II Retreat 1:00PM-6:30PM–Meet in the auditorium–Confirmation Candidates – Come with Sponsors

Sunday         16—Year 3 Hosts & Communion II Class Mass–arrive no later than 9:50AM

Wednesday    19—Faith Formation— ADORATION FORM DUE

                                                                  4:15-5:30-Communion II Parent Meeting with Father Leo

                                                                  6:30-8:00-Confirmation II Parent Meeting with Father Leo

Sunday         23—Confirmation II HostsReligion Readiness Class Mass–Arrive no later than 9:50AM

Wednesday    26— Faith Formation

Sunday         30—Year 3 Hosts–Arrive no later than 9:50AM

(1) Early-bird discount: MARCH 5—MAY 7

$100 for one child, $150 for two, $200 for three or more children.

Preparation Fee (cost of gowns, banners, prayer book, retreats, Mass, etc.)

 $25 First Communion     $20 Confirmation I     $50 Confirmation II             

(2) Regular Registration Fee for 2025-2026: MAY 8-JUNE 31

$125 for one child; $180 for two, $220 for three or more children.

Preparation Fee (cost of gowns, banners, prayer book, retreats, Mass, etc. 

$25 First Communion     $20 Confirmation I     $50 Confirmation

(3) Late Registration Fee for 2025-2026: JULY 1 to SEPTEMBER 1 (closed)

$175 for one child; $255 for two, $295 for three or more children.

Preparation Fee (cost of gowns, banners, prayer book, retreats, Mass, etc.)

          $25 First Communion     $20 Confirmation I     $50 Confirmation

  • Faith Formation Catechist Discount:

Cost per child if Mother or Father is Catechist  $75 for one child, $100 for two, $175 three or more

⇔CLICK HERE FOR FORM Registration 2025-2026


First Session: 4:15PM – 5:30PM

Communion I-Mrs. Ferise Communion I

Communion II-Mrs. Leguizamon Communion II   

Year 3-Ms. Penafiel Year 3    

Year 4- Year 4

  Second Session: 6:30PM-8:00PM

Communion Preparation Youth/Teen-Ms. Taveras  Communicants Youth and Teen Calendar   

Year 5A & 5B-Mr. Strohmaier/Mrs. Feula  Year 5 Calendar

Year 6-Mrs. Walsh Year 6 Calendar

Confirmation I-Mr. Cafferty/Mrs. Villar/Mrs. Dudas    Confirmation I Calendar   

Confirmation II —  Deacon Paul Classes

Confirmation II — Mr. Nic Classes

Religion Readiness Youth-Mrs. Gonzalez/Ms. Penafiel Religion Readiness I & II Calendar

2024-2025 Handbooks 

Handbooks are adapted and modified from: St. Mary’s of the Immaculate Conception, Portage, Wisconsin

Communion I Handbook

Communion II Handbook

Year 3 Handbook

Year 4 Handbook

Year 5 Handbook

Year 6 Handbook

Confirmation I Handbook

Confirmation II Handbook

Older Communicants Handbook

Religion Readiness Handbook

General Parent Handbook

2024-2025 Forms

Sponsor Form

Service Project Form

Saint Report Forms

Altar Serving Form

Godparent Eligibilty.docx

Confirmandi Information Form


Confirmation II Deacon Paul Class ONLY:

Saturdays, 5:00PM-6:30


Saturday          4—Faith Formation with Deacon Paul

Saturday          11—Home Study

Saturday          18—Faith Formation with Deacon Paul

Wednesday     22—Parents will meet with Father Leo–Parent Session—in school at 6:30

Saturday          25—Home Study

Wednesday     29—SERVICE PROJECT RESPONSE DUE/ALTAR SERVER RESPONSE—You may put it in the mailbox outside the Faith Formation Office on Saturday, February 1st  when you meet with Deacon Paul


Saturday            1—Faith Formation with Deacon Paul

Sunday               2—6:00-8:00PM Retreat—Part 2—Confirmation II Meet in the Auditorium with Sponsors

Saturday            8—Home Study

Saturday          15—Faith Formation with Deacon Paul

Wednesday     19—Parents will meet with Father Leo–Parent Session—in school at 6:30

Saturday          22—Home Study


Saturday            1—Faith Formation with Deacon Paul

Saturday            8—Home Study

Saturday          15—Confirmandi II Retreat with Confirmandi Sponsors 1:00PM-6:30PM

Wednesday     19—Faith Formation—6:30-8:00-Confirmation II Parent Meeting with Father Leo ALTAR SERVING RESPONSE DUE

Saturday          22—Home Study

Sunday             23—Confirmation II Hosts 10:00AM Mass—arrive no later than 9:45AM

Wednesday     26—ADORATION RESPONSE DUE—You may put it in the mailbox outside the Faith Formation Office on Saturday, March 29th   when you meet with Deacon Paul

Saturday          29—Faith Formation with Deacon Paul—Final Review


Wednesday      9—Faith Formation Reconciliation You must come to reconciliation before Confirmation

Friday              11—Confirmation 5:00PM Details to follow regarding practice and arrival; boys will wear suits—girls will wear modest dresses and no high heels.



MASS HOSTING–Four times during the Faith Formation Year, each Catechist is responsible for preparing and hosting 10am Sunday Mass with his/her children. Not only does the Catechist plan for readers, servers, ushers, gifts, etc., but guides and instructs the children about true worship during Mass. 

The children are to arrive to their assigned Mass at 9:50am, sit with their class and fully participate in the celebration of Mass. The dates are clearly stated on the calendar. Thank you for adjusting your schedule to be sure your child is at Mass on those four Sundays.


Four times during the year all children ages 6 through 17 seeking Communion, or having newly received, will meet their Catechists no later than 9:50 (for 10:00AM Mass) on four scheduled Sundays for Class Mass. Children are taught about the Mass and the Catechist guides them throughout the Mass to engage and participate in worship. 


NOTE: Both Mass Hosting and Class Mass are an integral part of formation and is essential for formation. If a child is unable to attend the scheduled Mass for either hosting or class Mass, Mrs. Rose will schedule a make-up. 


Thirty-seven Ideas for Confirmation Service Projects:

Craft, Cook, and Create

1. Take a meal to a widow, homebound member, single mom, or recent divorcee in your church or community.

2. Bake goodies, such as cupcakes, and deliver them to your local police or fire station.

3. Pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.

4. Write letters or send cards to missionaries. Call the office for contact info.

5. Gather together to assemble no-sew fleece blankets for a local children’s home or women’s shelter. Shelter lications found in the handbook.)

6. Knit or crochet prayer shawls and lap blankets for church members and friends that are facing health challenges.

7. Sew some pillowcase dresses for children in another country.

8. Cut out shoes for Sole Hopean

9. Put together and distribute homeless bags.

10. Host a sandwich making party and pass them out to the homeless in Phillipsburg or give to the Assumption Food Pantry.

11. Fill a freezer with meals for a new mom in your neighborhood.

12. Create birthday bags for your Assumption food pantry (birthday cake, hats, candles, balloons)

13. Paint and decorate the teacher’s classroom before the start of school.

14. Create a garden on the church grounds.

15. Provide a meal for families at your local Ronald McDonald House.

Random Acts of Kindness

16. Deliver bags of groceries, firewood, or gift cards to a local family in need.

17. Tape quarters or dollar bills to the vending machines in the waiting room of your local hospital.

18. Leave quarters and washing detergent in local laundromats around town.

19. Pass out water bottles to construction workers on a hot day.

23. Leave bottles of bubbles at the park for families to use. Add bible scripture cards to the bottles or an invitation to come to Mass.

24. If you have a pool, host a pool party for kids who have no where to swim.

25. Purchase coloring books and crayons and leave them in hospital waiting rooms.

26 Work a shift at the local soup kitchen.

27. Find a local field or farm that allows you pick vegetables.

28. Clean the home of an elderly person or homebound member of your church or community.

29. Take care of some yard work or handyman chores for one of the widows in your church or community.

29. Volunteer to complete tutor for a child younger than you.

30. Visit a nursing home and play a game with a resident.

31. Christmas carol at a nursing home or children’s hospital.

32. Cheer at a Special Olympics or special needs sports event.

33.  Plan a Habitat for Humanity workday with your parents.

34. Clean the roadside – your family can select an area in Hackettstown to keep clean.

35. Help with landscaping to church.

36. Call the office and inquire about shut-ins. You and your parents csn plan a visit to their home and bring them something nice to eat.

37. Organize a clothing drive.

38. Give free computer lessons to an adult.

39. Host a free dog wash.

40. Along with your peers, host a bake sale for Assumption Parish

Pilgrimage Mama Mary–Does your family desire to spend a special week with Mary?

On Sundays at 10AM Mass, our Pilgrimage Statue of Mary will be sent home with a Faith Formation Family to venerate for the week. She will be returned the following Sunday to be gifted to another family for the week. There is a sign up sheet outside the Faith Formation Office in the school for all who wish to participate in the opportunity to have this beautiful and blessed statue of Mary in their home.


On Sundays at 10AM Mass, our Pilgrimage Statue of Mary will be sent home with a Faith Formation Family to venerate for the week. She will be returned the following Sunday to be gifted to another family for the week. There is a sign up sheet outside the Faith Formation Office in the school for all who wish to participate in the opportunity to have this beautiful and blessed statue of Mary in their home.

There are a variety of ways you are able to use your gifts and talents in the Faith Formation Program. Once you have been Confirmed you are able to volunteer, including teens! Contact Rose Strohmaier, 908-303-9692 for info. Thanks! 



      • Solemnity of Mary, January 1
      • Ascension of Jesus, May 26 — Celebrated on the sixth Thursday after Easter Sunday
      • Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15
      • Solemnity of All Saints, November 1
      • Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, December 8
      • Christmas Day, December 25

Your child’s faith development ultimately depends on the sharing of your faith with them by going to Mass on Sundays, Holy Days of Obligation and living Christian values at home. It is through your efforts, example and personal relationship with God, more than anything else, that your children will come to know Jesus and grow in love and faith. We thank you for allowing us to support you in this process. We look forward to working with you and your children.

RCIA-Adult Education
RCIA stands for “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults”. It is a program run by adult members of the parish. RCIA requires a modest commitment in time but we think you will find the process a lot easier than you might expect. In addition, we have found that everyone who becomes involved, young or old, highly religious or moderately so, finds it to be a wonderful experience. An invitation is extended to

  1. Those who are unbaptized.
  2. Those baptized in the Catholic Church who have not received the sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation.
  3. Those baptized in another Christian Church who are interested in learning more about the Catholic Church.
    There are many reasons for wanting to learn more about the Catholic Church. The good news is that the Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish has an excellent program for you. Classes meet weekly, every Sunday after the 9:00 am Mass from September through Pentecost.  How do I join and what does RCIA involve? Signing up is easy. Just contact Deacon Walter Pidgeon, our Director of the RCIA process, by calling the parish office or email us at